Beith - Birch
Physical Properties
Beith, known commonly as silver birch or Betula pendula, is associated with the time of the wheel just after the Sun-return (winter solstice/yule), from December 25 - January 20th. It is a fast growing deciduous tree with branches that gracefully angle upward and then bow at the tips, adorned with triangular leaves with double-toothed margins. It is one of the first trees to flower in the spring, and both male and female catkins grow on the same tree; this special trait allows them to self-sow and create their own groves. It is this attribute that makes it one of several ground-breaking pioneer trees in the oghamic system. Its pioneering properties make it one of the first trees to re-colonize an area after destruction. It is a relatively short lived tree, and when it dies it breaks down and provides nutrients to the other more slow growing trees which can colonize the area after Beith has helped to prepare the soil. These supportive and self-sacrificing attributes can help us elucidate its magical properties as well.
Extracts of birch can be used for flavoring, oils, soap or shampoo. Its sap is used to make wine and birch syrup, which like maple is great on pancakes. The tar of birch is thermoplastic and waterproof and was used in constructing arrows or seasoning sails and ropes for boats. Its bark separates easily into sheets or plates, good for making canoes, boxes or paper as well as besoms and more. Its tar content makes it good tinder and firewood. Medicinally, birch bark poultices are good for bruises, wounds or cuts. The leaves can be used for a tisane which is laxative and diuretic, as well as high in vitamin C. It can also be used for treating cystitis and urinary tract infections. Bark soaked in water can be used to help aching muscles. Birch oil is antiseptic and can help heal wounds, infections, eczema and psoriasis.
Magical Properties
As its physical properties clearly demonstrate, Beith is a tree of beginnings. Beginnings are initiations – setting things in motion through creation, activation, fertility. Its sets the wheel in motion once more at the beginning of the return of the sun. Its ability to self-sow shows its unstoppable gradual forward movement which pushes stagnant energy away. The tree itself appears so gentle and delicate, but its vitality and hardiness make it a fierce initiator of change either through gentle, gradual guidance or with fierce and persistent strength. When it colonizes an area after some sort of destruction, it is also restoring the flow of life energy of the land - this flow encourages flexibility of mind, body and spirit in us when we work with it; especially useful during new beginnings. Birch twigs have been used to ritually 'beat the bounds' of an area such as a building or village to purify or remove bad luck as well as guard the boundaries of a place (or person). It is these properties that make it so appropriate for a besom - a witch's broom - sweep an area with a birch besom to remove stagnant energies and make way for something new. As a boundary guardian, Beith both constrains and initiates; all new beginnings require some kind of preparation, work, and faith. Think of a seed placed in the ground which has been prepared to nourish and support it as it grows, the work required to grow within the darkness, and the faith that all the seed must do is keep growing toward the light, one day at a time. Yes, we can learn much from the birch indeed.
Birch is also one of the trees sacred to Elen of the Ways because the red mushroom with white spots known as fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) is known to grow near its roots. Shamans collected the urine of reindeer after they had eaten these mushrooms, as this neutralized its toxicity and focused its journeying or 'flying' properties, bringing us back to a connection with the witches broom upon which one flies in pursuit of shamanic wisdom. Beith is also known as the “Lady of the Woods” or ‘white lady' in reference to Cerridwen with its white bark, slender and graceful branches, and golden shining 'hair' in the fall. It has many associations with light, particularly with star and moonlight which reflects off of its smooth, white bark. This reflection of light speaks to illumination of the subconscious mind, another reason it can be a strong ally for shamanic or shadow work.

Personal Experience
One day on my way out of a doctor appointment I saw a beautiful shining birch tree, its delicate green leaves swaying in the wind and sun. I found myself walking toward it before I was even conscious of a decision to do so. It beckoned me to sit with it, so I did. As I sat, I became aware that the tree had once had a twin which had been cut down long ago. The remaining stump was abuzz with energy. I sensed fae, insects, and saprobes within - a hive of activity in the remains of this tree's sibling. I saw the sacrifice that had given way to and supported the rise of new life. I sat with birch and found myself thinking about what might grow from the metaphorical trees that had recently fallen around me as well. I felt a well of sorrow open up around me, and as I sat with it I felt birch's gentle comfort and reassurance that all would be well, even if it didn’t feel that way in the moment. It reminded me to keep going, to keep walking toward the light, one day at a time. As I left, I gave the silver lady a mark of silver in thanks, slipping it into the ground between its roots. As I made to leave I saw a large branch on the ground that must have recently fallen from the tree. I asked if I could take it for ritual use, explaining what I intended with it, and it graciously bade me take it. That branch went on to become one of the main supports for the ancestor wall erected at the Samhain festival 2024, and when it burned along with all the notes and gifts for the ancestors on Samhain night, I felt such gratitude that it had caught my eye that day and shared its magic with me.
Divinatory Meanings
New beginnings, the renewal of a cycle, events being set in motion. A need to sweep away something (old pattern, energy, obstacle) that is preventing growth or progress. An indicator that proper preparation and appropriate work is needed to support emergent energies. A call for self-discipline and inner authority. A need to assess motivation and purpose in order to move forward.
finding your own path
If you wish to bring the trees into your own practice, one of the easiest ways to do this is to simply sit in meditation with a tree. If you are able to go find one in nature you can sit with it or create a vibrational essence to work with. That may not always be possible to do. You can work with the trees without leaving home as well. Find some images of the tree online, in a book, or find an ogham tree oracle deck – get acquainted with what the tree looks like and build a picture of it in your mind. If you have a piece of the wood, berries, or leaves, (always taken with respect and permission) place them on your altar. With whatever method is available to you, set a timer for 5-10 minutes, get quiet with it and let the tree tell you about itself. Keep something nearby to make notes on as things come to you - keep it simple - one word or short sentences. Don’t force it. Walk away from it and come back later. Sleep. Dream. Let things percolate. This process will teach you a lot about yourself and the trees, if you let it.