White Raven Seer
Well met Kinfriends
I wanted to introduce myself to those of you that might not know a ton about me. I'm White Raven Seer and also introduce myself as Brynhild. My pronouns are They/Them and seek to find a safe space for the sacred third and all those that wish to find a home. I have been practicing and on the path of Northern tradition for over a decade now. More in-depth on that , I am a Seer and a hedge walker or Helwalker; meaning I work closely with the Goddess Hel and death. I walk the path of the Runes and the Void. I work with all sets of Runes including, Gothic , Northumbrium, Elder Futhark and Swedish medieval runes. I seek to help those in finding their path of spirituality and their sovereignty and in healing within the shadows. I am named Peacekeeper by my Norse kindred and named as Elder by my Gothi of Germanic practice of 40 years.
In my experience I’ve found that working with the runes creates a very special relationship between the runes and person using them. I believe that there is no right or wrong way to practice with the runes, just as with your relationship to the Gods and the universe. I believe in helping people find their own ability to connect with the magic in all things.
In Frith and Grith , Brynhild