Divination is defined as "the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means" and of course 'supernatural' simply refers to something science cannot (currently) explain. The magic behind divination is that regardless of what method you use, what you are really tapping into is the divine knowledge inherent in your unconscious self. The answers you seek come only from within yourself, ultimately. The cards, runes, oghams, coins, sticks, palm lines, astrology, numerology and human design charts, etc are simply vehicles to help you tap into this innate knowledge. As the Charge of the Star Goddess states:  

"...And you who seek to know Me, 
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not, 
unless you know the Mystery: 
for if that which you seek, 
you find not within yourself, 
you will never find it without. 
For behold, I have been there with you from the beginning, 
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire." 

No one holds the keys to your kingdom but you. My goal with Divination Night is to help connect people to the methods that will help them tap into the divine knowledge within. The notion of a single divine truth is an illusion; truth is in fact a subjective, personal thing – and it is my goal to help people  find and express their personal truth. This is how we achieve peace and unity. Not by trying to force everyone to conform and agree to the same truth; but by simultaneously living our authentic personal truths in harmony with others doing the same. How can you possibly play to your strengths if you don’t actually know what they are? Join me for Divination Night and tap into the divine power and potential you were born with.  

In 2021 my inner guides asked me to gather 'my tribe' and to begin building a community. They told me to shine my 'weirdo' light out into the world and have faith that people who understood would come, and that we would build something greater than ourselves. They told me my purpose on this planet is to connect people with the most powerful magic there is – authenticity. This gathering began with 3 people sitting around a table, laughing, reading cards, and eating pizza. We called it Divination Night. Two years later I found myself surrounded by nearly 20 people packed into my basement, some old friends and many new, all gathered like moths around the warm and comforting flame of community. I realized there is a dire need for community in our society; a small group of people who care about what happens to one another, who help each other, who learn and grow together. The humble beginnings of the small copse of Hazelwood had grown into a thicket, and my inner guides told me it was now time to let the grove grow and spread and take on a new life of its own as I share the egregor of Hazelwood by offering the magic of Divination Nights to the public. I'd like to extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to all the exceptional wierdos who have joined and helped make this community it what it is.

- Morgana, High Priestess at Hazelwood Grove 

Why Divination Night?