Beltane 2024

Thank you for signing up to attend a Hazelwood Beltane ritual at the State Fair Park. If you have not signed up and wish to, click HERE. Below you will find details about the ritual, what to expect, and what you may wish to do to prepare. If you have questions, please email us at 

If you haven’t bought your tickets to the festival, you can buy them HERE.


 Ritual Orientation 


     A ritual is defined as a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. This definition is a good place to start.  


     This ritual will be a serious spiritual ceremony that will be performed by witches from our community. The general order of the ritual will be to consecrate, cleanse and purify the space, then to open the elemental portals necessary to protect and anchor the space. We will then proceed to the purpose of the ritual; celebration of the Great Rite and the fertility of the Earth. After this we will then proceed to close the circle and end the ritual. Throughout the ritual we will be chanting and singing. If you know the songs or feel comfortable jumping in, please do! 


How Should I Prepare? 


     It is best to enter into this circle with an open mind, curiosity, and above all, an open heart. When asked how you enter a circle, the only answer is “with perfect love, and perfect trust”. If you do not feel that you can enter the circle this way, it is best not to attend this event.  


What Should I Bring? 


You do not need to bring anything specific for the ritual. During the pre-ritual orientation, we will be making flower crowns; a wreath of flowers to be worn on your head during the ritual. These will be artificial flowers so that you will have a crown to take with you as a memento of the ritual. If you have a flower crown or wish to make your own prior to the ritual, you are welcome to do so.  


What Should I Wear? 


     There is no dress code for this event. Whatever you choose to wear to the event should be just fine. Above all, wear something you feel comfortable in so that it is easier for you to tune into yourself and the subtle energies of the ritual. Please note that this ritual will include a Serpent dance and a Maypole dance; wear something you are comfortable walking and moving around in. If you have specific accessibility requirements please reach out to us ahead of time so we can discuss accommodations.  


What is a Maypole? 


A Maypole is tall pole, fixed in the ground with ribbons and a wreath attached at the top. The ribbons are stretched out in all directions around the pole, held by the dancers. Half of the dancers face widdershins, and the other half deosil. As the dancers weave the ribbon, they alternate going under and over the other dancers as they cross paths. As they dance, the pole is sheathed as the ribbons weave down to the base of the pole. It is a metaphor for the Great Rite; the pole symbolizes the phallus of the God; divine masculine energy; and the wreath and ribbons symbolize the Goddess; divine feminine energy. Please note that our ability to do the maypole dance may change due to inclement weather.